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Jill Rodriguez

Motivate Clients to Contribute To Your Veterinary Practice Blog

Updated: Aug 15

In this article, I will share a very intriguing strategy that was introduced by one of our members in a recent workshop, and which addresses a constant struggle veterinary practices face: developing content. As we all know, having fresh and high quality content on our websites is a must if we want them to rank highly in the search engine results and boost our online visibility / new client acquisition, and while discussing the challenges of generating this content one of the attendees suggested asking our clients for content. This is a great idea.

How to Get Client-Generated Content for Your Veterinary Website

I’ve actually used a strategy similar to this in the past by holding a writing contest. For example, it could be a cash contest or some sort of value-added contest. People submit their most compelling / funniest / silliest pet stories, or a memorable experience at the veterinarian’s, etc., and you then post them online. Everybody in the clinic or outside the clinic can then vote on those articles. If you get 20-30 articles, you can schedule them into your veterinary website so they are automatically posted every other week. That’s an entire year’s worth of content. All you have to do is add the special keywords or keyword structure that we go over in the Practice Growth Academy, and that content will be instantly found by your local market.

Veterinary Practice Implementation Strategy

To implement this creative strategy, simply launch a publisher’s call or a contest with your current client base. You can do this with an email – or a sign within the clinic – to really encourage everybody to submit their stories. Once you get the stories, just read through them, edit them accordingly, add the keyword structure, and then schedule them into your veterinary website to be published over time.

Motivate Clients to Contribute to Your Veterinary Practice Blog in 2024

How can veterinary practices ensure the quality and accuracy of client-generated content?

Veterinary practices can ensure the quality and accuracy of client-generated content by implementing a thorough review and editing process. Before publication, all submissions should be vetted by knowledgeable staff to check for factual accuracy, especially regarding medical information. Editing for clarity, grammar, and adherence to the practice's tone and style guidelines is crucial. Additionally, integrating relevant keywords strategically without compromising the natural flow of the content can help maintain SEO effectiveness. Establishing clear guidelines for submissions will also aid clients in producing valuable content that aligns with the practice’s standards.

What incentives or rewards can veterinary practices offer to motivate clients to contribute high-quality content?

Veterinary practices can motivate clients to contribute high-quality content by offering incentives such as discounts on services, free products, or entry into a contest with attractive prizes like a year’s supply of pet food or a free wellness visit. Exclusive rewards, such as featuring the client’s pet on the practice’s social media or in promotional materials, can also be appealing. Additionally, practices might consider hosting special appreciation events for contributors, creating a sense of community and recognition for their involvement and effort.

How can veterinary practices leverage client-generated content across multiple marketing channels?

Veterinary practices can leverage client-generated content across multiple marketing channels by first ensuring the content is engaging and high-quality. They can feature compelling stories and testimonials on their website, which boosts SEO and provides authentic experiences for potential clients to read. Sharing these stories on social media platforms increases engagement and reach. Additionally, including selected content in email newsletters can enhance the practice’s connection with its community. Practices may also consider creating video adaptations of these stories for YouTube to further diversify their content and reach broader audiences.

How can veterinary practices use client-generated content to foster a sense of community and build stronger relationships with their clients?

Veterinary practices can use client-generated content to foster a sense of community and build stronger relationships by showcasing these stories on their platforms, demonstrating that client experiences and perspectives are valued. Hosting content like pet stories or testimonials on a dedicated community page or blog can create a shared space for clients to see their contributions and interact. Regularly featuring such content in social media posts and practice newsletters also encourages clients to engage more deeply, share their experiences, and connect with others, enhancing their sense of belonging and loyalty to the practice.

How can veterinary practices repurpose or refresh client-generated content over time to maintain its relevance?

Veterinary practices can repurpose or refresh client-generated content over time by revisiting older stories or testimonials and presenting them in new formats or contexts. For example, they can create themed blog posts, compile client stories into ebooks or infographics, or feature them in social media campaigns. Additionally, practices can update older content by adding new insights or follow-up stories from clients. By creatively repackaging client-generated content, veterinary practices can continuously leverage these authentic narratives to engage their audience and reinforce their brand message.

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