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How Your Veterinary Practice Can Benefit from Facebook Post Scheduling

Updated: Jul 19

Schedule posts to be published at a later date and time that is specified by you. This means that you can manage your practice’s Facebook page whenever it’s most convenient for you, and you can still reach your audience at the key times that produce optimum results.

How to Schedule Posts on Your Veterinary Facebook Page

# 1 – Start by simply creating your post as you normally would. You can add text, tag people and include pictures, videos or links as well.

# 2 – In the lower left-hand corner of your post, you will notice a small clock symbol. Click on this symbol and you can then enter the year, month, day and time that you’d like your post to publish.

Note: You may schedule your posts up to 6 months in advance. You will see all months in the dropdown, but Facebook will not accept any dates that are further than 6 months into the future. Also, the time increments you may schedule posts in are 00-, 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, and 50- minutes into the hour.

# 3 – Once you have scheduled the date and time you desire, click the blue “schedule” button. That’s it!

How to Locate and Edit Scheduled Posts

If, at any time, you’d like to see what posts you’ve got scheduled or make changes, simply go to your admin panel at the top of your page (if the admin panel is not readily visible, click on the red admin panel button in the upper right-hand corner of your page). Click “Edit Page” and then “Activity Log”. You will then be able to see all of your scheduled posts.

The only thing you can edit from here is the time. If you need to change the text or other content of the post, you must cancel it completely and reschedule a new one. To edit the time or to cancel the post altogether, hover your mouse over the small blue arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the post and choose the action you need from the dropdown menu.

Helpful Tips

  1. Not every type of interaction can be scheduled. While you can schedule text, photos, videos, links and tags, Facebook does not allow you to schedule photo albums, events, questions, offers or milestones.

  2. You can backdate your posts. In addition to scheduling posts for your veterinary Facebook page in advance, you can also backdate certain items. Some people choose to use this feature to fill in their timeline and make it appear more robust. If you have a significant event that occurred in the past that you’d like to add, however, it’s probably a better idea to post it as a milestone. Backdated posts go out to your followers’ news feeds immediately but show up in the appropriate spot within your timeline.

  3. Scheduled posts don’t get tweeted. If you’ve added the functionality to have all of your Facebook posts also automatically post on Twitter, it’s important to note that posts that have been scheduled in the future do not automatically update on Twitter. For scheduling tweets, you will have to use another tool, like Hootsuite.

  4. Scheduled posts are not identified as such. Your followers will have no idea that your posts were entered and scheduled a week ago, so don’t let that deter you from using this tool for your veterinary Facebook page. Posts will simply show up in the feed as if they were just posted live.

Why Schedule Posts?

Aside from the obvious benefit of saving you time while trying to manage all of the day to day duties of a busy veterinary practice, scheduling your Facebook posts can also improve client engagement. The key to success in veterinary social media is consistency. Scheduling posts allows you to be more active and post more frequently on Facebook, without having to spend hours a day managing your page. Just remember to always circle back and check on your scheduled posts to see if any comments have been left so you can respond accordingly.

Remember – the more active you are on your veterinary Facebook page, the more engaged your followers will become and the more exposure your practice will receive. Scheduling allows you the flexibility to keep your page consistently updated, improving your overall results.

If you’re curious about how your veterinary Facebook page is performing or want to see the results of your scheduled posts, check out our article about Facebook Insights to learn how you can properly measure and track these results. The more you understand about your practice’s social media presence, the better you can hone your efforts for maximum practice growth.

Our Advice on Scheduling Facebook Posts in Your Veterinary Practice in 2024

What types of content are most effective for scheduled posts in veterinary social media marketing?

In veterinary social media marketing, the most effective content for scheduled posts includes educational materials such as pet care tips, health advice, and informational videos that address common pet health concerns. Highlighting staff profiles, patient success stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the veterinary practice fosters a personal connection with followers. Additionally, promotional announcements about services, seasonal reminders for pet care, and engaging, interactive posts like quizzes or "ask the vet" sessions can drive engagement and keep the audience informed and involved consistently.

What are the potential risks of relying too heavily on scheduled posts versus real-time engagement?

Relying too heavily on scheduled posts in veterinary social media marketing can lead to a lack of real-time engagement, which may make a practice seem less responsive or disconnected from its audience. Scheduled content may not address current events or trending topics, reducing relevance and engagement. Furthermore, it can fail to promptly respond to comments and questions, potentially missing opportunities to build relationships or manage negative feedback effectively. Balancing scheduled posts with active, real-time interaction is essential to maintain a vibrant, responsive online presence that fosters trust and community engagement.

What strategies can veterinary practices employ to maintain authenticity when using scheduled posts?

To maintain authenticity while using scheduled posts, veterinary practices should create content that reflects their genuine values and mission. It's crucial to mix scheduled posts with real-time updates and interactions to address timely matters and respond to comments. Personalizing content, even within scheduled posts, by showcasing real stories from the clinic, staff introductions, and patient updates can keep the practice's voice authentic. Additionally, regularly reviewing and updating the scheduled content calendar ensures that posts remain relevant and reflect the current state and activities of the practice.

What are the best practices for integrating scheduled posts with real-time content and responses to maintain a balanced social media presence?

Best practices for integrating scheduled posts with real-time content in veterinary social media involve maintaining a flexible content calendar that blends pre-planned and spontaneous posts. Schedule foundational content—like educational tips, general announcements, and recurring features—while reserving time for real-time posts that address current events, trending topics, or immediate responses to community interactions. Regularly monitoring social channels allows for timely engagement with comments and questions, ensuring the practice remains responsive and personable. This approach keeps the content fresh and relevant, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the social media strategy.

What impact does post scheduling have on the overall brand consistency and voice of a veterinary practice on social media?

Post scheduling significantly enhances brand consistency and voice across a veterinary practice's social media platforms by allowing for the strategic planning and uniform distribution of content. This method ensures that messaging remains consistent, aligning with the practice's core values and marketing goals. Scheduled posts can be crafted to maintain a consistent tone, style, and frequency, reinforcing the brand's identity and making it more recognizable to the audience. This organized approach prevents gaps in communication, supports a steady engagement with followers, and builds a reliable and professional online presence.

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