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5 Ways to Increase Wellness Plan Enrollment

Updated: Dec 30, 2023

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been sharing a number of articles geared around wellness plans, including some of the many benefits, tips for success and even a list of what not to do. But what happens when you’ve developed and implemented wellness plans and nobody is signing up? Should you abandon ship or stay the course?

The truth is, like most business initiatives, wellness plans aren’t something you can simply set and forget. You have to take certain proactive measures in order to realize steady results and a decent return on your investment. To round out our blog post series, let’s take a look at a few strategies for increasing wellness plan enrollment.

Make sure it’s worth their while

As mentioned in several of our previous posts, wellness plans will only be successful if they are worth your clients’ while. Otherwise, what’s the point? The first key to getting more signups is making sure that the program you are offering is attractive. Are you bundling the right services? Is the price point valuable enough to entice new signups? If these things are off target, you’re not going to get many bites. If you’re not sure where you stand, poll your clients or check out some wellness plans being offered at other clinics to get a baseline.

Get the word out

Don’t just assume your clients are aware of your new wellness program. Let them know by every means possible. Create an announcement and post regular reminders on your social media pages. Include information in your newsletter. Invest in a postcard mailing. Post signage in your lobby and exam rooms. Whatever methods you typically use to market to your audience in general can also be used to inform them of your new wellness plan offering. Remember – the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so start making some noise!

Hone your message

In order for your clients to be willing to invest in wellness plans, they have to view them as something of value. If your messaging is positioning these plans as glorified vaccination packages, you’re not going to generate much interest. Instead, focus your messages so that they convey the true value of the program. Wellness care is comprehensive and multi-faceted. Make sure your clients are made aware of all that is included so they understand what a worthwhile investment these plans truly are.

Get your staff involved

To be successful at wellness plans, you can’t be the only one singing their praises. Every person who works within your clinic should not only believe in the value of wellness and preventative care, but share that enthusiasm with clients every chance they get. To really get staff onboard and excited, encourage them to take advantage of your wellness plans with their own pets. You may also wish to incorporate wellness plan signups as part of your team’s incentive structure. Make sure everyone in your clinic is well educated on the ins and outs of your wellness packages, what they entail, how they work and – most importantly – why they’re such a great investment.

Don’t give up!

Last, but certainly not least, don’t throw in the towel if you don’t see positive results right away. As with any new business initiative, wellness plans can take time to generate momentum. Keep spreading the word and make doing so a part of your practice culture. Eventually, your hard work should pay off and you’ll start seeing more and more signups rolling in. If, after much time has passed, you’re still not seeing the results you’re after, consider making a few tweaks to your plan and/or marketing approach. In the long run, your commitment, dedication and passion will ultimately prevail, and you’ll have a practice full of healthier, happier pets as living proof.

Our Tips, Tricks, and Expert Advice

What is the importance of ensuring that wellness plans offered by a veterinary clinic are attractive to clients?

The attractiveness of wellness plans is crucial as it determines client sign-ups. If the program is not perceived as valuable, clients won't engage, impacting the success of the veterinary clinic.

How can clinics assess the effectiveness of their programs?

Clinics can assess program effectiveness by soliciting client feedback, monitoring enrollment rates, and comparing their wellness plans to industry benchmarks. Regular evaluations ensure ongoing improvement.

How can veterinary clinics effectively communicate the existence of their wellness programs to clients?

Veterinary clinics can use various channels, including social media, newsletters, postcards, lobby signage, and team endorsements, to effectively communicate the existence of their wellness programs to clients.

Why is it crucial for clinics to refine their messaging about wellness plans?

Refining messaging about wellness plans is crucial to ensure clients understand their value. Clear communication enhances client perception, increasing the likelihood of enrollment.

What role does staff involvement play in the success of wellness plans?

Staff involvement is vital for wellness plan success. When the entire team believes in and promotes the value of these plans, client engagement increases, fostering program success.

For more practice management tips, tricks, and expert advice, bookmark the DVMelite blog and check back often for fresh content.

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