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The 5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid during a Recession! 

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What Practice Owners Are Saying

“Melani’s insights have literally been a complete game-changer for our practice!"

"Melani's session was the wake up call I needed!"

"Melani has freed me from the day-to-day mindset. I'm ready to lift up and focus ON my business."


Meet Your Host,  Melani Seymour

Melani Seymour, Co-Founder of DVM Elite, has been coaching independent practice owners for years. Over the past decade, she has helped hundreds of clients create strategic plans to thrive alongside the larger, corporate practices in their local communities and ultimately plan for their futures.

Melani understands that the goal of every owner is to help as many patients as possible while simultaneously growing a profitable, well-run practice. Her passion lies in diagnosing opportunities and helping owners develop the best possible plan to achieve their personal and financial goals.

Drivers of Growth | Visionary Partners | Masters of Strategy
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